Peter van der Krogt's Maps on License Plates

Start page and frameBorder Maps
Reserved for states (or countries) with a more or less rectangular shape
PA map Pennsylvania 1958 plate Pennsylvania License Plate Pennsylvania 1958 and 1970 license plates.
The state outline was on Pennsylvania plates since 1937. The 1958 plate is a copy of the first multi year plate. The present plates has sticker up to 1964 (the sticker shows an ouline map too). Former plates had the text "PENNA [year]".
In 1965 the colors were reversed. The symbol on the 1970 plate, in the middle between the 8 and 1, is a keystone. Pennsylvania is known as "The Keystone State" because it was in the middle of the original 13 states; just like the keystone on a bridge. This type of plate was in use from 1965 to 1971.

The sticker has a second map of Pennsylvania
KS map Kansas License Plate

Kansas License Plate

Kansas License Plate

Kansas plate of the 1960-61 type with the slogan 'CENTENNIAL 1961'. SF is the county prefix for Stafford county.

From 1962-64 this type was in use without slogan.

Kansas plate of the 1965-70 type. CR is the county prefix for Crawford county.

In 1970 the colors were altered. Plates have white letters on blue. This 1976 plate had county prefix DG (= Douglas).

See also the plate maps section.

MT map Montana 1970 License Plate

Montana Apportioned License Plate

Montana 1973 License Plate

Current type

With Tennessee, the Montana License Plate designers belong to the top of the map lovers. Almost all Montana plates have the state outline around the registration. I have four of the type in use from 1939-1990 in my collection.
  • The blue 12-A818 plate is the passenger issue of the 1967-75 type with the slogan 'Big sky country', 12 is the prefix for Hill county.
  • The black P 09651 is a special issue for apportioned vehicles.
  • The green one, 1-14433, is an issue from 1973. The prefix 1 is for Silver Bow county (Butte). Butte was the largest city in Montana when the license plate county numbering system was devised. The numbers 1-9 were allocated to the 9 largest counties, to make an extra digit available for those counties that would likely have the largest number of cars registered.
  • Finally, in 1976 a special bicentennial plate was issued, with at the top, left of 'Montana' a second map of Montana with the 76 Bicentennial logo it it. This has also prefix 1 for Silver Bow county (Butte).
  • 23-4267A is the current type, which started in 1991. 23 is Musselshell County.
NE map Nebraska License Plate

Nebraska License Plate

Nebraska plate from the special centennial series for 1966. Look at the clever use of the seal in the southwestern corner of the state, where it fits in the corner of Colorado intruding Nebraska. In 1969 and 1972 again plates with the state outline were issued, these have the slogan 'Cornhusker State' on top. My copy is of the 1969 issue.
Puerto Rico plate 1970 type Puerto Rico plate.
Mail: Peter van der Krogt