Peter van der Krogt's Maps on License Plates

Start page and frame Margin Maps
IN map Indiana License Plate, 1991 type
Indiana plate of the 1991 type. At the bottom left a small outline of the state. On Indiana plates the first one or two numerals denote the county, a smaller district letter is added. In this case 22 is Floyd county with the capital New Albany: and there Vance lives with whom I traded this plate.
See background maps for more Indiana license plates.
TN map Tennessee License Plate, 1974

Tennessee License Plate, 1975

Tennessee License Plate, 1988

From 1936 to 1956 Tennessee license plates had the actual plate in the shape of the state outline (see the Plate Maps section). In 1957 plates with rectangulare shape were introduced, having at the top the abbreviated state name 'TENN' within state outline. In 1977 a new design was introduced.
The 1974 SC plate is from a semi-commercial vehicle.
The TCC plate is from the Tennessee Constitutional Convention.

Tennessee 1988 plate (type 1983-94). The state outline is stretched for better fitting of the slogan.

CT map Connecticut License Plate
Connecticut plate of the current series (since 1987) with a tiny state outline top left. Info on Connecticut license plates, also here.
Mail: Peter van der Krogt