Peter van der Krogt's Maps on License Plates

Start page and framePlate Maps
All Colorado and Wyoming plates are in the shape of the state outline! (Consult your map to see why)
TN map Tennessee License Plate Tennessee 1955 plate. The "height" is exaggerated and the "steep slope" of the eastern border is softened to fit the state outline better in the shape of a license plate. The plate is from Union county (no. 78).
From 1936 to 1956 Tennessee license plates had the actual plate in the shape of the state outline. In 1957 plates with rectangulare shape were introduced, having at the top the abbreviated state name 'TENN' within state outline (see Margin Maps section).
KS map Kansas License Plate Kansas 1951 license plate, actual plate in shape of state outline. MP is McPherson County. This plate belongs to a series issued from 1950 to 1959. However, later plates in this series have a state outline rather than a state shape.
See also at Border Maps.

On 25 February 2002 Fred Allen sent me the following little history on this plate:

In 1948 I was twelve years of age. My father, earlier a member of the American State of Kansas's senate, was by then a practicing trial attorney. At the time, our family dwelt in Wichita, Kansas. In February my father had a case scheduled before the State's Supreme Court, which sat in the state's capitol building, in Topeka. He casually asked whether I'd like to observe the case's conduct. The question was almost rhetorical. I was, naturally, eager...if only to escape two or three day's school.
I had, a couple of times in as many years, remarked to my father that our state's geographic boundary was ideally shaped to be thematically impressed or painted about the edge of its license plates. I'd no thought of my "geographic license," however, in connection with the lay almost forgotten. During our stay in Topeka we took dinner with an old friend of my parents, Mr. Pat Roberts, who then was, I believe, Kansas's Secretary of State. (Mr. Robert's son, Pat, is now, or recently was, either Kansas's Senator or Congressional Representative.)
At dinner, to my complete surprise, my father turned to me and said, "Fred, would you like to tell Pat your license plate idea...he's the right man?" As I started to speak, Pat suggested I draw just what I had in mind. I did. He then said, "Freddy, I think that's a fine idea, but the dies are made for the next two years (1949 and 1950) would have to be after that."
Shortly thereafter my father died and I completely forgot the evening with Pat Roberts. Forgot it until I saw the first 1951 plate, that is. After many years, Kansas dropped the geographic outline on its license plates. I'd not thought of them until today, when I had the good fortune to discover your own fascinating and worthwhile web site. With thanks for awakening an old memory and wishing you all good, I am,
Respectfully, Fred Allen

Thanks, Fred, for this wonderful background story on this map plate!

Mail: Peter van der Krogt