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Palos de la Frontera
Huelva (prov.)

Avenida de América

Gerardo Barrios

Cacahuatique, 1813? - San Salvador 1865
president of El Salvador (1859-1863)
artist unknown

Palos de la Frontera /  Gerardo Barrios


Bronze bust.

Information Sign

Explanatory plaque (left):

Capitan General Gerardo Barrios (1813-1865), Presidente de la Republica de El Salvador, Centro America.
Heroe nacional inmortalizado en la corciencia del pueblo salvadoriño por sus extraordinarias dotes de estadista, soldado, reformador, unionista y campeon del liberalismo.
Desio mucho a España en su formacion profesional, en la cual presto relevantes servicios en el campo diplomatico.
Su presencia actual en Palos de la Frontera acompaña a todos aquellos grandes nombres que nos unen a traves de Dios y la historia.
12 de Octubre de 1979.
Translation: Captain General Gerardo Barrios (1813-1865), President of the Republic of El Salvador, Central America.
National hero immortalized in the conscience of the Salvadorian people for his extraordinary talents as a statesman, soldier, reformer, unionist and champion of liberalism. He owed much of his professional formation to Spain, in which he rendered relevant services in the diplomatic arena. His present presence in Palos de la Frontera accompanies all those great names that unite us trough God and history.
October 12, 1979.

Explanatory plaque (right):
El gobierno y pueblo de la Republica de El Salvador, Centro America, saluda al noble pueblo Español y al excelentisimo ayuntamiento de Palos de la Frontera, en homenaje a la gloriosa gesta del descubrimiento de America, inmortalizada por el gran navagante Cristobal Colon, el dia 12 de Octubre de 1492.
General Carlos Humberto Romero, presidente de la repubica
Dr. Jose Antonio Rodriguez Porth, ministro de relaciones exteriores
Coronel Luis Roberto Flores, Embajador en España
Palos de la Frontera, 12 de Octubre 1979.
Translation: The government and the people of the Republic of El Salvador, Central America, hails the noble Spanish people and the very excellent town council of Palos de la Frontera, in homage to the heroic achievement of the discovery of America, immortalized by the great navigator Christopher Columbus, on October 12, 1492.
General Charles Hubert Romero, president of the republic.
Dr. Joseph Anthony Rodríguez Porth, minister of Foreign Affairs.
Colonel Louis Robert Flores, Ambassador to Spain.
Palos de la Frontera, October 12, 1979.


One of the most peculiar monuments for the discovery of America is this bronze bust, given on 12 October 1979 to the people of Palos de la Frontera as homage to the town's role in the discovery of America. It seems as if this gift gave the inspiration for the Avenida de América, which is adorned with gifts from American states and Spanish provinces. Probably afraid for a chaos, size, format and contents of the other gifts are regulated.


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 37°13'21" - W 6°54'15") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: esan015; Photograph: 9 March 2002

© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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