Azulejo at the north end of the Avenida de América in the same size and style as the coats-of-arms on the rest of the avenue (see Avenida). This particular azulejo however commemorates the visit of Pope John Paul II on 14 June 1993, During this visit the Pope crowned the Virgen de los Milagros of the La Rábida convent as Mother of Spain and America.
The azulejo shows the portrait and coat-of-arms of the Pope (top)
S.S. Juan Pablo II Pontifice Maximo visito nuestra ciudad para dar gracias y coronar a Santa Maria de la Rabida, Virgen de los Milagros, patrona canonica como Reina y Madre de America en la conmemoracion de la clausura del medio milenio que se iniciara la proclamacion de la fe catolica apostolica y romana desde nuestro puerto en el nuevo mundo. Alabado sea Jesucristo. 15 Junio del año del Señor 1993.
Translation: H.H. John Paul II Pontific Maximum visited our city to give thanks and to crown Saint Mary of la Rábida, Virgin of the Miracles, canonic patron saint as Queen and Mother of America on the commemoration of the closing of the half millennium that initiated the proclamation of the Catholic Apostolic and Roman faith from our port in the new world. Blessed be Jesus Christ. June 15 of the year of our Lord 1993.
Sources & Information
- Translation: Marcos Iglesias
Locatie (N 37°13'34" - W 6°53'55") (Satellite view: Google Maps)
Item Code: esan020;
Photograph: 9 March 2002
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt
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